Welcome to the Kivi programming language

The Kivi Logo

gcd a, b:
	while b:
		auto tmp = b;
		b = a % b;
		a = b;

	return a;

About Kivi

What is Kivi?

Kivi is a compiler under active development. It has educational purposes only. Kivi is designed to process a (currently) simplified C-like language, classified as procedural imperative general purpose programming language.

Why is Kivi?

Kivi is initially started as a Software development school project at ELSYS. The principle objectives for us, the creators, are to learn about the fundamental ideas and design principles associated with compiler and programming language design.

What is Kivi not?

It is not intended as a useful programming language in real world project. Although Kivi has a lot of similarities to the C programming language, is not intended to be an alternative implementation of any C compiler.

How to Kivi?

Additional dev-documentation is provided here.

What is in Kivi?

The current functionalities supported are:

Some of the next things which are going to be implemented:

Useful links

Code documentation

GitHub repository